Friday, February 28, 2014

Location Scouting - The Fells

We ventured out to the fells to location scout. Word had been floating around of a stone tower which would be great to shoot at! It was a icy day but you'll have to imagine the scenery in a lush new england autumn.

The open fields of the Fells were teeming with Dogs
Finally found the trail, but could there be bbbears?
Happy directors make for fun sets (unless they get power hungry.)

Sick tower!!!

Imagine this with orange, red, and yellow leaves reaching to the horizon.

Perhaps lights could be hung here?

Content with our find we headed back and navigated the horrid Massachusetts roundabouts with swaggering grace.

Made a Blog

Wow folks things are really heating up over here.

Today we created a new gmail account AND a blog!

If you want to ask anything at all or tell your hearts desires to our team email:

More exclusive top shelf content to come!

- Danny